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Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee - image n°1 - Camping Direct
Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee - image n°2 - Camping Direct
Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee - image n°3 - Camping Direct
Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee - image n°4 - Camping Direct

Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee *****

9,56 - 2 commenti
Come visit Campsite Tennsee and feel right at home. Nestled amidst picturesque alpine scenery, our campground offers the perfect mix of amenities to turn your caravan or motorhome into a five-star hotel! For starters, we route all the supply lines you’ll need right to your vehicle: Our compact utility posts consolidate all the essentials to ensure a comfortable stay. As you can see from the map, Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee is set on spacious, semi-terraced grounds. We are flanked by a brook and “Tennsee” lake on two sides, with the hummocky meadows of the Buckelwiesen and its incomparable alpine flora rising up in the east. Just to prevent any misunderstandings – the “Tennsee” is a natural biotope which will occasionally dry out depending on weather and precipitation. Even so, there are a number of magnificent mountain lakes ideal for swimming in the immediate vicinity. The B2 Garmisch-Partenkirchen-Mittenwald motorway is located approximately one-half km to the west. Close enough for convenience, even in winter, and yet far enough away for genuine peace and quiet! Please allow us to introduce you to our facilities within this website; you can rest assured that your high expectations will be fulfilled.
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Gli alloggi

1 alloggio
  • Appartement 2 persone
    • Cucina
    • Riscaldamento
    • TV
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Le piazzole

3 piazzole
  • Piazzola Confort 1/6 persone Maggiori informazioni
  • Piazzola Confort Tenda 1/6 persone Maggiori informazioni
  • Motorhome Parking 2 persone Maggiori informazioni

I servizi


Giudizi dei clienti

Informazioni sul campeggio

Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee *****
Come visit Campsite Tennsee and feel right at home. Nestled amidst picturesque alpine scenery, our campground offers the perfect mix of amenities to turn your caravan or motorhome into a five-star hotel! For starters, we route all the supply lines you’ll need right to your vehicle: Our compact utility posts consolidate all the essentials to ensure a comfortable stay. As you can see from the map, Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee is set on spacious, semi-terraced grounds. We are flanked by a brook and “Tennsee” lake on two sides, with the hummocky meadows of the Buckelwiesen and its incomparable alpine flora rising up in the east. Just to prevent any misunderstandings – the “Tennsee” is a natural biotope which will occasionally dry out depending on weather and precipitation. Even so, there are a number of magnificent mountain lakes ideal for swimming in the immediate vicinity. The B2 Garmisch-Partenkirchen-Mittenwald motorway is located approximately one-half km to the west. Close enough for convenience, even in winter, and yet far enough away for genuine peace and quiet! Please allow us to introduce you to our facilities within this website; you can rest assured that your high expectations will be fulfilled.
Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee - image n°1 - Camping Direct
Caricamento in corso
Krün, Upper Bavaria, Germania Contattare il campeggio

Domande frequenti

Tutte le domande frequenti sul Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee

Il Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee si trova am tennsee 1 82494 krün.

Si, il Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee propone delle animazioni: serate speciali.

Sì, il campeggio propone le seguenti attività sportive (in loco e nei dintorni): arrampicata, golf, sport fluviali, tornei sportivi collettivi, immersione, pesca, canoa, ping-pong, bicicletta, mountain bike, equitazione, tiro con l'arco, tiro al fucile, trekking, sci alpino,...

Si, il Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee propone le attività benessere seguenti: solarium.

Si, il Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee propone le animazioni seguenti ai bambini: area di gioco per bambini - esterna, giochi di società, animazioni per bambini.

Si,il Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee propone: cibo da asporto, pane su ordinazione, brioche su ordinazione , bar, ristorante, snack.

I negozi in prossimità del Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee sono i seguenti: negozi di beni essenziali, commercio alimentare, drogheria, alimentari, edicola e giornali.

Il Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee possiede il riconoscimento: turismo e disabilità motoria.

Si, il Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee propone delle attrezzature per persone a mobilità ridotta.

Si, il Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee mette a disposizioni delle forniture domestiche: lavatrici comuni, lavatoio con acqua calda, asciugatrice, fasciatoio, asse da stiro, ferro da stiro, lavanderia.

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