Camping & Spa Cap Soleil 4 stars - Renowned family campsite, on the west coast of Vias-Plage only 700 m from the sea and 1.2 km from a beautiful sandy beach.
Its aquatic park with the Savannah atmosphere (5 waterslides, lagoon pools, paddling pool, jaccuzi, solariums) is a must in the region.
As well as its heated spa area reserved for +18 years and completed by sauna, steam room, massage parlor.
The indoor pool is heated from the opening of the campsite.
A professional animators team cheers up days and evenings.
Mini club (all the season) and teen club (July & August only) take care of the youngest ones.
Many sports facilities for your leisure (new fitness room in 2019), several catering and bar offers.
The accommodation is offered in a comfortable mobile home (7 categories) or by renting a pitch for your tent, caravan or camper.
Everything is organized to make your holliday unforgettable.
Mere information
Tjenester og faciliteter
En uge fra: € 210,00€ 451,50
Vælg venligst ankomst- og afrejsedatoer for at søge tilgængelighed.
Christophe D
Posted 15/09/2024
Ophold : 07/09/2024 - 14/09/2024
En jeune couple
A refaire
Séjour au top avec un accueil chaleureux
Posted 03/09/2024
Ophold : 29/08/2024 - 01/09/2024
En famille avec enfant(s)
Août 2024
Très bon séjour. Je suis venu un weekend au mois de mai pour mon enterrement de vie d'une fille et mon mari au mois de juin pour son enterrement de vie de garçon on s'était vraiment plus du coup nous sommes revenus.
Establishment response
Nous sommes ravis que vous nous ayez choisi pour ces 2 évènements et que vous ayez pu profiter de vos séjours respectifs.
angelique B
Posted 01/09/2024
Ophold : 24/08/2024 - 31/08/2024
En famille avec enfant(s)
Nous avons adoré l'espace détente ainsi que notre hébergement l'espace aquatique était magnifique belle déco très beau camping
Envisager d'avoir des city stades plus récents
Establishment response
Merci pour ce retour très positif.
Om denne campingplads
Camping & Spa CAP SOLEIL
Camping & Spa Cap Soleil 4 stars - Renowned family campsite, on the west coast of Vias-Plage only 700 m from the sea and 1.2 km from a beautiful sandy beach.
Its aquatic park with the Savannah atmosphere (5 waterslides, lagoon pools, paddling pool, jaccuzi, solariums) is a must in the region.
As well as its heated spa area reserved for +18 years and completed by sauna, steam room, massage parlor.
The indoor pool is heated from the opening of the campsite.
A professional animators team cheers up days and evenings.
Mini club (all the season) and teen club (July & August only) take care of the youngest ones.
Many sports facilities for your leisure (new fitness room in 2019), several catering and bar offers.
The accommodation is offered in a comfortable mobile home (7 categories) or by renting a pitch for your tent, caravan or camper.
Everything is organized to make your holliday unforgettable.
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