Figari Corsica Collection is located in southern Corsica at the edge of the mountains in the plain of Figari. Pierre Paul and Santa cultivate immortelle cultures and they also own six hectares of vineyards. Both will be more than happy to introduce you to the techniques of distillation (during the months of June and July), to make you taste their wine or to make you participate in the harvest (in August)!
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Om denne campingplads
Figari Corsica Collection
Figari Corsica Collection is located in southern Corsica at the edge of the mountains in the plain of Figari. Pierre Paul and Santa cultivate immortelle cultures and they also own six hectares of vineyards. Both will be more than happy to introduce you to the techniques of distillation (during the months of June and July), to make you taste their wine or to make you participate in the harvest (in August)!
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