Child-friendly nature-campsite amidst the Eastern Alps. Enjoy the mountains and the very mild climate, thanks to the warm currents of a Mediterranean air coming from the south. Modern sanitary facilities, playground, swimming pool, breakfast, beach volleyball. Close to the campsite: golf course, flight school, landing area for paragliders and adventure pool.
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Tjenester og faciliteter
Fra 5 jul. til 26 jul. 2025, fra:
You can't make a reservation at this campsite on Camping Direct but you can visit its website.
4 plads
Placering: 2 Voksne + 1 Køretøj + 1 Telt / Campingvogn
2/6 personer
Dyr accepteres *
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En uge fra:
€ 158,20
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Placering: 1 Voksne + 1 Køretøj + 1 Telt / Campingvogn
1/6 personer
Dyr accepteres *
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En uge fra:
€ 135,10
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Standplads Pakke Cyklist Med Telt
2 personer
Dyr accepteres *
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En uge fra:
€ 130,20
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Standplads Pakke Cyklist Med Telt
1 personer
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€ 93,10
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Alle ydelser
- Plads til autocamper
- Husdyr tilladt
- Højsæsonen
- Lavsæson
- Standpladser
- Hund
Informationer om campingpladsen
- Antal Standpladser : 50
- Reception med booking
- I receptionen
- Ved landsby
- Afstand i km : 1
- Tæt på:
- Flod
- Afstand i km: 0.3
- Sø
- Afstand i km : 17
- Badesø
- Afstand i km : 4
- I nærheden af:
- flod
- Fælles vaskemaskine
- Tørretumbler
- Wi-fi
- Gratis
- Hele campingpladsen
- Udlejning af cykler : (Afstand : 0.5Km )
- Butikker : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Dagligvarebutik : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Dagligvarebutik : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Frisør : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Udendørs legeplads
- Gynger : 3
- Sandkasse : 1
- Legestativ : 1
- Rutchebane : 1
- Pool : 1
- Pool N°1
- Mål
- Størrelse : 50
- Dybde : 1
- Max dybde : 1
- Rektangulær
- Længde : 10
- Bredde : 5
- Åbningsperiode
- Samme som camping
- Afløb
Kunde anmeldelser
Martijn K
Posted 12/02/2025
Ophold : 19/07/2024 - 27/07/2024
Family with teenager(s)
Lovely campsite!
We had a fantastic stay on a spacious pitch, in a beautiful environment! The kids (11 and 14) initially thought that there wasn''t much to do for them, but soon they found that due to the low number of pitches (~50) all kids make contact easily. They useally spent the evening with their group, playing volleyball or just chatting.
Only one water tap for filling the caravan and it requires a token.
Carla L
Posted 12/09/2024
Ophold : 30/08/2024 - 11/09/2024
Jong stel
Kleinschalige fijne camping
Mooie plekken, goed sanitair, uitzicht op bergen
Water om af te wassen mag heter
Michaël D
Posted 03/09/2024
Ophold : 23/08/2024 - 02/09/2024
Jong stel
Ouderwets gezellig
Royale plekken (maar misschien in het hoogseizoen wel wat smal), schoon sanitair, lekker plonsbad, bakker die ‘s ochtends op de camping komt, super wifi, geen winkel, geen restaurant, geen animatie, geen verlichting. Kortom iedereen vermaakt zichzelf, het voelt “ouderwets gezellig”.
Je kunt alleen water halen in het toiletgebouw. Een paar waterpunten op het veld zouden fijn zijn.
Om denne campingplads
Camping Berggruß
Child-friendly nature-campsite amidst the Eastern Alps. Enjoy the mountains and the very mild climate, thanks to the warm currents of a Mediterranean air coming from the south. Modern sanitary facilities, playground, swimming pool, breakfast, beach volleyball. Close to the campsite: golf course, flight school, landing area for paragliders and adventure pool.
Berg Im Drautal, Bezirk Spittal an der Drau, ØstrigKontakt campingpladsen
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