When you reach the top of our little hill, you will discover a fascinating view on the Ardèche “garrigue” : that specific type of vegetation is composed of oak trees, junipers, thyme and rosemary and inhabited with cicadas during the day and grasshoppers when the evening falls ; it simply is an enchantment for the eyes, ears and nostrils. The Domaine de Sévenier is an old winery transformed into a comfortable village of brand new wooden houses, all respectful of the environment. Here you will find the peace and charm of vintage constructions, the good local wine cellar, the restaurant where we cook home-made local food, the swimming-pool and its stonewalls planted with flowers… Surrounded by a peaceful countryside in a beautiful landscape, the Domaine de Sévenier proposes an authentic and very family approach to holidays. A “zen” philosophy five minutes away from the attractive and touristic center of the Ardèche river canyon and its famous Pont d’Arc.
Situated 4 kilometers away from Vallon Pont d’Arc and the entrance of the famous canyon the Gorges de l'Ardèche, in the direction of Lagorce. The domain lies 900 meters away from the quaint village of Lagorce, its botanic walk and silk culture museum, recently renovated.
Ardèche offers multiple points of interest, from every aspect : gastronomy (delicious local wines, charcuterie, “caillettes”, goat cheese, chestnut spread...), cultural (the history and museum of the protestant Camisards revolt under Louis XIV, prehistorical past with the oldest ornated cave ever found in the world, or the industrial past and the silk culture), and sports at last (hiking, canoë-kayak, climbing, mountain-biking, quad-biking...) all that in exceptionally preserved natural landscapes (the famous Pont d'Arc and the canyon “Gorges de l'Ardèche”). The famous Caverne du Pont d'Arc, replica of the most ancient ornated cave ever found in the world, is less than a kilometer away as the crow flies!
Mere information
Tjenester og faciliteter
En uge fra: € 447,10
Vælg venligst ankomst- og afrejsedatoer for at søge tilgængelighed.
Chalet - 2 Værelser - 1 Badeværelse - Micocoulier Premium Sport
4/6 personer
42 kvm stor
2 separate soveværelser
Mere information
En uge fra:
€ 725,00
Se mere
Chalet - 2 Værelser - 1 Badeværelse - Chêne Blanc Baby Premium Family
3/5 personer
35 kvm stor
Handicapvenlig : nej
Dyr accepteres *
2 separate soveværelser
... +3
Mere information
En uge fra:
€ 634,00
Se mere
Chêne Blanc Premium
2 personer
35 kvm stor
Handicapvenlig : nej
Dyr accepteres *
2 separate soveværelser
... +3
Mere information
Alle ydelser
- Natreception
- Nattevagt
- Faciliteter for handicappede
- Husdyr tilladt
- Højsæsonen
- Lavsæson
- Udlejning
- Hund
- Kat
- Åbningstider i reception (højsæson) : Fra 09.00 til 20.00
- Check-in tidspunkt ved udlejningsenheder : Fra 17.00 til 20.00
- Sen ankomst
- Telefon ved sen ankomst : 0475882944
- Reception med booking
- I receptionen
Informationer om campingpladsen
- Antal Lejeboliger : 56
- Kreditkort
- Eurocard - Mastercard
- Visa
- Bankcheck
- Kontanter
- ANCV check
- International bankoverførsel
- National bankoverførsel
- Camping Qualité
- Green Key
- Qualité Tourisme
- Les Castels
- Alan Rogers
- Michelin-Guide
- Printet i : 2014
- Le Petit Futé
- Printet i : 2014
På landet
- Tæt på:
- Flod
- Afstand i km : 3
- Ved landsby
- Afstand i km : 1
- Tæt på:
- Flod
- Afstand i km: 3
- Fælles vaskemaskine
- Vuggestue
- Strygebræt
- Strygejern
- Møderum
- Max. antal personer : 70
- Møderum
- Max. antal personer : 70
- Wi-fi
- Gratis
- Hele campingpladsen
- Leje af sportsudstyr : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Udlejning af cykler
- Butikker : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Dagligvarebutik : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Dagligvarebutik : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Dagligvarebutik : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Købmand : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Boghandel : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Tidsskrifter og aviser : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Frisør : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Skønhedssalon : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Udendørs legeplads
- Gynger : 2
- Legestativ : 2
- Rutchebane : 2
- Pool med legeområde
- Indendørs legerum
- Brætspil
- Pool : 2
- Pool N°1
- Standard pool
- Udendørs
- Opvarmet swimmingpool
- Lavsæson
- Jacuzzi
- Svømme mod strømmen
- Åbningsperiode
- Åbnings-/lukketider : Fra 10.00 til 20.00
- Åbningsdato : 12. april
- Sidste frist : 11. november
- Pool N°2
- Børn og babyer
- Udendørs
- Rutschebane
- Børnelege
- Soppebassin
- Åbningsperiode
- Åbnings-/lukketider : Fra 10.00 til 20.00
- Åbningsdato : 12. april
- Sidste frist : 11. november
- Biograf : (Afstand : 12Km )
- Teater : (Afstand : 30Km )
- Casino : (Afstand : 30Km )
- Bibliotek : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Klaver
- Smuk rute : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Vivarium - Aquarium : (Afstand : 50Km )
- Mini-gård : (Afstand : 25Km )
- Kurbad : (Afstand : 30Km )
- Bar
- Restaurant
- Snack
- Bar
- Fælles grill
- Pizzeria
- Multibane : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Tennis : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Golf : (Afstand : 20Km )
- Volleyball
- Petanque bane
- Kano- og kajak base : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Ridning (rideskole) : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Vandreruter
- Afmærkede ruter
- Quad : (Afstand : 20Km )
- Børneklub : (- Kun i højsæson.)
- Alder min. : 4
- Alder max. : 12
- gratis
- Åbningsperiode
- højsæsonen
- Åbner den : 1. juli
- Lukker den : 31. august
Turisme / Organisation
- Turistinformation
- Turistbrochurer
- Turreservation
- Postkasse
- Telefonboks
- Take-away
- Færdiglavede måltider
- Brød
- Wienerbrød
- Underholdning til børn : (- Kun i højsæson.)
- Temaaftener : (- Kun i højsæson.)
- Shows : (- Kun i højsæson.)
- Koncerter : (- Kun i højsæson.)
- Luftsport : (Afstand : 3Km )
- Fiskeri : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Kano - kajak : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Fælles tennisbane : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Bordtennis
- Cykeludlejning
- Mountain bike
- Ridning : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Klatring : (Afstand : 10Km )
- Bueskydning
- Jagt : (Afstand : 1Km )
- Petanque
- Paragliding : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Vandring
- Huleudforskning : (Afstand : 10Km )
- Bordfodbold
- Træ-klatring : (Afstand : 5Km )
- Canyoning : (Afstand : 30Km )
- Termisk spa : (Afstand : 30Km )
- Sauna : (Afstand : 30Km )
- Spa
- Tyrkisk bad : (Afstand : 30Km )
- Massage : (Afstand : 30Km )
- Boblebad : (Afstand : 30Km )
Kunde anmeldelser
Jana L
Posted 15/10/2024
Ophold : 05/10/2024 - 12/10/2024
Family with child(ren)
Very nice, rural stay
Loved the location, the rural natural style, the eco-oriented operation and features and many other nice details, including friendly and helpfull staff.
Mosquito/flies screens in windows would be maybe a good idea to provide people with an option to sleep with opened windows, during warm nights, rather then cooling the interior with air conditioning.
Cindy M
Posted 14/10/2024
Ophold : 06/10/2024 - 10/10/2024
Family with child(ren)
Holiday end of Season
We stayed end of season. Rainy weather, but was fun anyways
Couch is Not big enough.
Marianne L
Posted 06/10/2024
Ophold : 04/10/2024 - 06/10/2024
En famille avec enfant(s)
Absolument merveilleux
Le chalet était idéalement situé, très propre et la literie de bonne qualité. Les petites attentions à l'arrivée ont été très appréciées. Nous avons même pu profiter de la piscine chauffée en ce début octobre. Un vrai week end très réussi. Merci.
Om denne campingplads
Castel Domaine de Sévenier & Spa
When you reach the top of our little hill, you will discover a fascinating view on the Ardèche “garrigue” : that specific type of vegetation is composed of oak trees, junipers, thyme and rosemary and inhabited with cicadas during the day and grasshoppers when the evening falls ; it simply is an enchantment for the eyes, ears and nostrils. The Domaine de Sévenier is an old winery transformed into a comfortable village of brand new wooden houses, all respectful of the environment. Here you will find the peace and charm of vintage constructions, the good local wine cellar, the restaurant where we cook home-made local food, the swimming-pool and its stonewalls planted with flowers… Surrounded by a peaceful countryside in a beautiful landscape, the Domaine de Sévenier proposes an authentic and very family approach to holidays. A “zen” philosophy five minutes away from the attractive and touristic center of the Ardèche river canyon and its famous Pont d’Arc.
Situated 4 kilometers away from Vallon Pont d’Arc and the entrance of the famous canyon the Gorges de l'Ardèche, in the direction of Lagorce. The domain lies 900 meters away from the quaint village of Lagorce, its botanic walk and silk culture museum, recently renovated.
Ardèche offers multiple points of interest, from every aspect : gastronomy (delicious local wines, charcuterie, “caillettes”, goat cheese, chestnut spread...), cultural (the history and museum of the protestant Camisards revolt under Louis XIV, prehistorical past with the oldest ornated cave ever found in the world, or the industrial past and the silk culture), and sports at last (hiking, canoë-kayak, climbing, mountain-biking, quad-biking...) all that in exceptionally preserved natural landscapes (the famous Pont d'Arc and the canyon “Gorges de l'Ardèche”). The famous Caverne du Pont d'Arc, replica of the most ancient ornated cave ever found in the world, is less than a kilometer away as the crow flies!
Lagorce, Ardèche, FrankrigKontakt campingpladsen
Alle ydelser
Castel Domaine de Sévenier & Spa
- Natreception
- Nattevagt
- Faciliteter for handicappede
- Husdyr tilladt
- Højsæsonen
- Lavsæson
- Udlejning
- Hund
- Kat
- Åbningstider i reception (højsæson) : Fra 09.00 til 20.00
- Check-in tidspunkt ved udlejningsenheder : Fra 17.00 til 20.00
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