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Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee - image n°1 - Camping Direct
Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee - image n°2 - Camping Direct
Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee - image n°3 - Camping Direct
Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee - image n°4 - Camping Direct

Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee *****

9,56 - 2 comentario
Come visit Campsite Tennsee and feel right at home. Nestled amidst picturesque alpine scenery, our campground offers the perfect mix of amenities to turn your caravan or motorhome into a five-star hotel! For starters, we route all the supply lines you’ll need right to your vehicle: Our compact utility posts consolidate all the essentials to ensure a comfortable stay. As you can see from the map, Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee is set on spacious, semi-terraced grounds. We are flanked by a brook and “Tennsee” lake on two sides, with the hummocky meadows of the Buckelwiesen and its incomparable alpine flora rising up in the east. Just to prevent any misunderstandings – the “Tennsee” is a natural biotope which will occasionally dry out depending on weather and precipitation. Even so, there are a number of magnificent mountain lakes ideal for swimming in the immediate vicinity. The B2 Garmisch-Partenkirchen-Mittenwald motorway is located approximately one-half km to the west. Close enough for convenience, even in winter, and yet far enough away for genuine peace and quiet! Please allow us to introduce you to our facilities within this website; you can rest assured that your high expectations will be fulfilled.
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Los alojamientos

1 alojamiento
  • Appartement 2 personas
    • Cocina
    • Calefacción
    • TV
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3 parcelas
  • Parcela Confort 1/6 personas Más información
  • Parcela Confort Tienda 1/6 personas Más información
  • Motorhome Parking 2 personas Más información



Comentarios de los clientes

Acerca de este camping

Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee *****
Come visit Campsite Tennsee and feel right at home. Nestled amidst picturesque alpine scenery, our campground offers the perfect mix of amenities to turn your caravan or motorhome into a five-star hotel! For starters, we route all the supply lines you’ll need right to your vehicle: Our compact utility posts consolidate all the essentials to ensure a comfortable stay. As you can see from the map, Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee is set on spacious, semi-terraced grounds. We are flanked by a brook and “Tennsee” lake on two sides, with the hummocky meadows of the Buckelwiesen and its incomparable alpine flora rising up in the east. Just to prevent any misunderstandings – the “Tennsee” is a natural biotope which will occasionally dry out depending on weather and precipitation. Even so, there are a number of magnificent mountain lakes ideal for swimming in the immediate vicinity. The B2 Garmisch-Partenkirchen-Mittenwald motorway is located approximately one-half km to the west. Close enough for convenience, even in winter, and yet far enough away for genuine peace and quiet! Please allow us to introduce you to our facilities within this website; you can rest assured that your high expectations will be fulfilled.
Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee - image n°1 - Camping Direct
Krün, Upper Bavaria, Alemania Contactar con el camping

Preguntas frecuentes

Todas las preguntas frecuentes sobre el Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee

El Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee se sitúa en am tennsee 1 82494 krün.

Sí, el Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee ofrece animaciones: veladas.

Sí, este camping ofrece las animaciones deportivas siguientes: escalada, golf, deportes de agua viva, torneo de deporte colectivo, submarinismo, pesca, canoa - kayak, ping-pong, bicicletas, btt, equitación , tiro con arco, tiro a la carabina, senderismo, esquí alpino,...

Sí, el Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee ofrece las siguientes actividades de bienestar: solarium.

Sí, el Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee ofrece las siguientes animaciones para niños: area de juegos para niños al aire libre , juegos de sociedad, animación para niños.

Sí, el Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee ofrece : platos para llevar, servicio de entrega de pan, servicios de entrega de bollería, bar, restaurante, snack.

Los comercios cercanos al Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee son los siguientes : comercios de 1era necesidad, comercio alimentario, alimentación, ultramarinos, prensa y diarios.

El Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee posee la etiqueta: turismo y handicap motor.

Sí, el Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee dispone de instalaciones para discapacitados.

Sí, el Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee proporciona equipamiento en el alojamiento: lavadora colectiva, lavaderos con agua caliente, secadora, mueble cambiador para bebés , tabla de plancha, plancha, lavandería.

Formas de pago aceptadas

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