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Hoeve Linnerveld - image n°1 - Camping Direct
Hoeve Linnerveld - image n°2 - Camping Direct
Hoeve Linnerveld - image n°3 - Camping Direct
Hoeve Linnerveld - image n°4 - Camping Direct

Hoeve Linnerveld

8,96 - 4 comentario
Close to Roermond you will find the small-scale farm campsite Hoeve Linnerveld, behind the farm in the field we offer a number of pitches and it is possible to spend the night in one of our luxury tents. Come and enjoy the peace and space on the farm. As the name of the farm campsite indicates, the campsite is located in the Linnerveld, a beautiful piece of nature between the villages of Linne and Sint Odiliënberg. When you have had enough of nature, it is also possible to visit the beautiful lively city of Roermond, which is within cycling distance of the farm. For more information, also visit If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail to
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Los alojamientos

2 alojamientos
  • Tienda Luxe 5 personas
    • 35 m² de superficie
    • 2 habitaciones separadas
    • Cocina
    • Cuarto de baño
    • Aseo
    • Calefacción
    • No se aceptan animales
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  • Tienda Luxe Xl 5/6 personas
    • Cocina
    • Cuarto de baño
    • Aseo
    • No se aceptan animales
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3 parcelas
  • Parcela 2/5 personas
    • 80 m² de superficie media
    • Se aceptan animales*
    • Conexión agua
    • Mini bloque sanitario
    • Electricidad
    • Soleado
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  • Parcela Tienda 2/6 personas Más información
  • Parcela Autocaravana 2/6 personas
    • Electricidad
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Comentarios de los clientes

Acerca de este camping

Hoeve Linnerveld
Close to Roermond you will find the small-scale farm campsite Hoeve Linnerveld, behind the farm in the field we offer a number of pitches and it is possible to spend the night in one of our luxury tents. Come and enjoy the peace and space on the farm. As the name of the farm campsite indicates, the campsite is located in the Linnerveld, a beautiful piece of nature between the villages of Linne and Sint Odiliënberg. When you have had enough of nature, it is also possible to visit the beautiful lively city of Roermond, which is within cycling distance of the farm. For more information, also visit If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail to
Hoeve Linnerveld - image n°1 - Camping Direct
St. Odiliënberg, , Países Bajos Contactar con el camping

Preguntas frecuentes

Todas las preguntas frecuentes sobre el Hoeve Linnerveld

El Hoeve Linnerveld se sitúa en berkenallee 2a 6077pa st. odiliënberg.

Sí, este camping ofrece las animaciones deportivas siguientes: bicicletas, petanca, senderismo.

Sí, el Hoeve Linnerveld ofrece las siguientes animaciones para niños: area de juegos para niños al aire libre .

Los comercios cercanos al Hoeve Linnerveld son los siguientes : comercios de 1era necesidad, comercio alimentario.

Sí, el Hoeve Linnerveld proporciona equipamiento en el alojamiento: lavadora colectiva, lavaderos con agua caliente, secadora, tabla de plancha, plancha.

Formas de pago aceptadas