Kompas Camping Westende is less than a 10-minute walk from the beach. Here you will find all the ingredients for a fun holiday with the family or with friends! As a beach lover or peace seeker, you immediately feel at home during a holiday in Westende. While you enjoy a well-deserved drink on the terrace, the children can let off steam in the water playground. Or how about the cozy design of the camping fields, the adventure playgrounds and the excellent sanitary facilities. In the area you will find nice places such as Ostend, Nieuwpoort and Middelkerke. Are you also coming camping on the Belgian coast at our campsite in Westende?
Junto al mar
Parque acuático
Animaciones para niños
The seaside resort Nieuwpoort is situated at the estuary of the Yser river. It is the fishing port of the Westkust (Belgian west coast), but also the biggest yacht-basin of Northern Europe. Not far away from the beach by bike, next to the reservoir on the Yser river is situated the campsite Kompas Camping Nieuwpoort. A campsite which offers you all the comfort you need with numerous play and sports facilities.
And it is quite nice to know that the amusement parks Plopsaland in De Panne and Bellewaerde in Ieper are not far away!
Animaciones para niños
A tan sólo 10 km de Bruges, este atractivo camping está muy bien situado. Podréis refrescaros en el estanque u olvidaros de todo estirados en la arena de la playa… Todo esto es posible en el Camping Klein Strand! Disfrute también de su nuevo tobogán. Le proponemos variadas actividades: espectáculos de ski-náutico, fiestas españolas o italianas, barbacoas, cabarets, fiesta play-back, bingo, karaoke, curso de baile,… y más! Disponemos de dos restaurantes (francés y chino), un bar y todo tipo de instalaciones deportivas.
Campings en el litoral de Flandes : 3 camping(s) disponible(s)
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