Camping in Zagreb - CampingDirect - Image n°1

Camping in Zagreb To listen to

There are about 10 campsites in the inner part of Croatia which is composed of central Croatia and Slavonia.

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Camping in Zagreb - CampingDirect - Image n°2

Zagreb, which is the country's capital city, is located in central Croatia. It attracts relatively few people but its parks, churches and museums make it a very interesting spot (tourists generally flock to the coastline). Besides, it is set only 30 kms from the Slovenian border.

Things to see going camping in Zagreb :

  • Medvednica natural park (Veternica cave, Medvedgrad fortress)
  • Funicular linking Zagreb to the Sljeme top (1032 m)
  • Zagreb museums, particularly the one devoted to breakups...
  • Film festivals: International festival of animated film, Zagrebdox (documentaries), Zagreb Film Festival (young directors)