Opvarmet swimmingpool
By the river
At walking-distance of Millau, along the Tarn riverside and in the middle of the regional parc of the « Grand Causses » is situated camping Les Erables, We offer you a warm family-like welcome. Mobile-Homes and Caravan rental. On the campsite is a small supermarket and we sell international newspapers.
Informations : Fédération Aveyronnaise de l’Hôtellerie de plein air - www.camping-aveyron.com
In a verdant vale at the foot of the cliffs of Larzac, the Saint-Martin **campsite with swimming pool, is situated 4 km from Millau, close to the Tarn gorges. A warm family welcome.
Informations : Fédération Aveyronnaise de l’Hôtellerie de plein air - www.camping-aveyron.com
Opvarmet swimmingpool
Children activities
By the river
Located very close to Millau’s old town and bordered by two rivers – the Tarn and the Dourbie – Huttopia Millau campsite invites holidaymakers to stay on a spacious, shady site. A lovely setting for a nature break in the outdoor sports mecca. On site, you can enjoy catering services, organized activities, and a beautiful swimming pool to relax after a busy day out exploring the sights of the Aveyron!
Opvarmet swimmingpool
Children activities
By the river
Baby Club
For your next holiday, how about heading to the Aveyron, a natural paradise brimming with a thousand and one treasures? Whether you’re a seasoned hiker, a confirmed gourmet, a nature buff drawn by the water, or a fun-loving crew looking for adventure, the Aveyron has everything you could wish for.
Here you’ll find a 7-hectare expanse of greenery, Millau and its viaduct just a few kilometres away, and a myriad of activities on land and water… Les Rivages campsite certainly boasts all the ingredients for an amazing stay that you’ll remember for years to come!
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