Do your rounds in our natural pool. Relax on our terrace with a view of the lagoons of the Baltic Sea. At Prima Resorts you can collect wonderful holiday moments and find yourself.
Discover our camping options Come and switch off. We have the right pitch for your motorhome or caravan. Find the place that suits you and your relaxation needs. or Relax in a tiny house It doesn't get more comfortable than this: in our tiny houses you combine the comfort of your own home with the peace and atmosphere of our Relax Resort.
Eat well, live well Meet friends or get to know new ones. Our restaurant is a place for pleasure and enjoyment. Look forward to wonderful dishes in a beautiful atmosphere. By the way, our restaurant is also ideal for events, seminars, celebrations or public viewing.
Spa and Well-being
By a lake
Naturist camping
Free of any compulsions, and free of textiles just as God created us -- for many, this is an adjustment to life. Behind this movement stand three letters: FKK, for 'Free Body Culture'. Leave behind the hectic pace, the stress – the compulsion to dress. Experience freedom in the midst of nature.
The FKK camping site lies on the banks of the Rätzsee and is surrounded by pine forest. The terraced terrain is covered with shrubs and trees. Boat landings are available for water tourers. The Rätzsee is linked to many other water bodies. Directly from the site one can travel via the Drosedower Bek to the Gobenowsee and from there to the Labussee, and further on into a lake district that reaches all the way to Rheinsberg with its famous castle. Our nudist camping site is integrated into the local network of marked hiking trails.
The Campingpark on Weißen See has everything that friends of nature and campers could desire. In a light pine wood you can 'make camp' and enjoy the unique nature.
Children activities
On the left the Baltic Sea, on the right the Achterwasser and in between beautiful scenery as far as the eye can see - that is the island of Usedom. Our luxury means peace, nature and time. Natur Camping Usedom is a spacious vacation resort on the peninsula Gnitz, directly on the steep coast of the Achterwasser. On our camping site all nature lovers will find their perfect pitch, no matter if you arrive with tent, caravan or camper. From many pitches you have a beautiful view of the water. Choose your pitch - from the unparcelled, natural open space to the comfort XXL pitch with its own electricity and water connection.
Camping in beautiful natural surroundings and with all the comforts that give a sense of well-being. Quiet and contemplative, but nonetheless with many diversions for the whole family. Surrounded by forests, the camping site lies on a meadow and partly in a clearing right on Grosser Pälitzsee.
Our camping site has a large dock with berths for 60 boats and a boat hire geared to 'water wanderers'. All the same it's very quiet here, because the lake can be used by motorboats only for arrivals and departures.
Children activities
Spa and Well-being
By a lake
De over 600 større og mindre søer i det Meklenburgiske søområde er næsten alle forbundet med hinanden via ”vandgader”. Det betyder udflugter af speciel karakter. Med padlen i hånden gennem kæmpe skove, ”vandvandring” fra en sø til en anden og således opleve naturen ret intensivt. Camping- og feriepark Havelberge ved Woblitzsee ligger direkte ned til søbredden i et letstigende skovlandskab. En idyllisk eng med badestrand ligesom et bådanløbssted hører til pladsen. Storartede til dels terrasserede pladser i vidtgående naturområder venter dig. Naturligvis kan du også tilbringe din ferie i en af vores komplet udstyrede udlejningsvogne eller feriehytter. Vi vores gæster med teater, live-musik, børnefester, eventyrlegeplads, hobbytimer og meget mere.
Surrounded by forest, the camping site lies partly on a meadow and partly in a clearing right on Ziernsee, where motorboats are permitted. Everybody who would like to take a holiday in comfort and leisure feels comfortable here. Swimming in the lake, long exploratory walks in the woods or beautiful canoe tours are all part of the stay.
The camping site, with its forest floor and lightly rolling terrain left to nature, lies directly on the Leppinsee, in the midst of extensive pine woods on the border of Müritz National Park. The site is well integrated into the nework of marked hiking trails. Nearby is a dendrological garden, or arboretum.
The site lies on Großen Labussee near Zwenzow and directly borders Müritz National Park. The level terrain is lush with grass, shrubs, leafy trees and conifers. The lake is a state waterway, on which motorboats are therefore allowed, and runs into other lakes and rivers.
The textile and FKK (Frei Korps Kultur, or nudist) camping site at the Useriner See invites you to experience absolute freedom. Kindred spirits have been meeting for years on the separate FKK sections of the site, where the FKK movement is considered a philosophy and not an obligatory programme.
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