The Campsite(Camping) of Three Lime trees welcomes you of the April 1st(Fools's Day) on October 14th: locations for tents, caravans, campers - residential Locations for mobil-homes - renting Accommodations(Hostings): mobil-homes, caravan - Wooden hut (camp). The Campsite(Camping) is ideally situated in the Country of Seven Valleys, in the heart of the Valley of Canche, in a pleasant village endowed with any businesses and local services. You will find the tranquillity, the comfort there, a green setting. The cities of Hesdin, Frévent, Saint Pol on Ternoise, Auxi the Castle are situated in a 16 km beam(shelf). (Lille in 100 km - Arras: 56 km - Amiens: 57 km - Touquet: 55 km - Berck on Sea: 48 km - Boulogne sur Mer: 80 km - Calais: 115 km - Saint Omer: 58 km Béthune: 46 km - Paris: 218 km) At a reasonable distance of the coast(rib), this environment privileged in the heart of the Valley of Canche is convenient to the relaxation and to the ballads on the marked out paths which surround us; Discover this generous
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Tjenester og faciliteter
En uge fra: € 262,00
Vælg venligst ankomst- og afrejsedatoer for at søge tilgængelighed.
10 udlejning
Mobilhome 33 M² - 3 Værelser + Terrasse
6 personer
33 kvm stor
Handicapvenlig : nej
Dyr accepteres *
3 separate soveværelser
... +2
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En uge fra:
€ 453,00
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Sigøjnervogn 20M² + Balkon
4 personer
20 kvm stor
Handicapvenlig : nej
1 separat soveværelse
2 sovepladser uden for soveværelset
... +2
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En uge fra:
€ 295,00
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Pod 2,50X3,90M H 2,70M + Terrasse
1/3 personer
6 kvm stor
Handicapvenlig : nej
3 sovepladser uden for soveværelset
Dyr er ikke tilladt
Intet toilet eller badeværelse
Intet køkken
... +1
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En uge fra:
€ 262,00
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Mobilhome 34M² + Terrasse - Til Gangbesværede Personer
4 personer
34.9 kvm stor
Handicapvenlig : ja
Dyr accepteres *
2 separate soveværelser
... +2
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En uge fra:
€ 357,00
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Nature Lodge - Usædvanlig Indkvartering
1/4 personer
10 kvm stor
Handicapvenlig : nej
4 sovepladser uden for soveværelset
Dyr er ikke tilladt
Intet toilet eller badeværelse
Intet køkken
Intet badeværelse
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En uge fra:
€ 353,00
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Mobilhome N°114 - 28 M² - 2 Værelser - Halvt Tildækket Terrasse
4 personer
28 kvm stor
Dyr accepteres *
2 separate soveværelser
... +1
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En uge fra:
€ 295,00
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Mobilhome N°88 - 28 M² - 2 Værelser - Overdækket Terrasse
4 personer
The Campsite(Camping) of Three Lime trees welcomes you of the April 1st(Fools's Day) on October 14th: locations for tents, caravans, campers - residential Locations for mobil-homes - renting Accommodations(Hostings): mobil-homes, caravan - Wooden hut (camp). The Campsite(Camping) is ideally situated in the Country of Seven Valleys, in the heart of the Valley of Canche, in a pleasant village endowed with any businesses and local services. You will find the tranquillity, the comfort there, a green setting. The cities of Hesdin, Frévent, Saint Pol on Ternoise, Auxi the Castle are situated in a 16 km beam(shelf). (Lille in 100 km - Arras: 56 km - Amiens: 57 km - Touquet: 55 km - Berck on Sea: 48 km - Boulogne sur Mer: 80 km - Calais: 115 km - Saint Omer: 58 km Béthune: 46 km - Paris: 218 km) At a reasonable distance of the coast(rib), this environment privileged in the heart of the Valley of Canche is convenient to the relaxation and to the ballads on the marked out paths which surround us; Discover this generous
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