Thanks to its spectacular terraced architecture, Camping Village Punta Lunga has the appearance of a natural amphitheater, overlooking the crystal clear sea of the Gargano, just a few minutes from the center of the Apulian town of Vieste.
In the higher area of these enormous staircases, there are the bungalows, mobilHome and some of the services, such as the gym, the supermarket and the restaurant. From here you can enjoy the spectacle of the entire bay, surrended by the vegetation of the hill: the old olive trees, pines and almond trees, and immersed in the colors and scents of the Mediterranean scrub.
Going further down, just a few steps from the beach, there are the pitches for tents, caravans and campers, some of which are right next to the rocks, closer to the sea, leting you the possibility to catch serenity even with your eyes closed.
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En uge fra: € 338,80
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3 udlejning
Mobilhome Standard
1/4 personer
2 separate soveværelser
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€ 338,80
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Hus Dobbelt Værelse
1/4 personer
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€ 354,20
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Hus 3 Værelse
1/4 personer
40 kvm stor
2 separate soveværelser
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€ 500,50
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2 plads
Standplads Telt
1/6 personer
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1/6 personer
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Om denne campingplads
Camping Punta Lunga
Thanks to its spectacular terraced architecture, Camping Village Punta Lunga has the appearance of a natural amphitheater, overlooking the crystal clear sea of the Gargano, just a few minutes from the center of the Apulian town of Vieste.
In the higher area of these enormous staircases, there are the bungalows, mobilHome and some of the services, such as the gym, the supermarket and the restaurant. From here you can enjoy the spectacle of the entire bay, surrended by the vegetation of the hill: the old olive trees, pines and almond trees, and immersed in the colors and scents of the Mediterranean scrub.
Going further down, just a few steps from the beach, there are the pitches for tents, caravans and campers, some of which are right next to the rocks, closer to the sea, leting you the possibility to catch serenity even with your eyes closed.
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