Sole Di Sari lies in the delightful setting of the "Coast of Pearls" (the Côte des Nacres). This new generation, 100% eco-tourism holiday park provides the perfect base for exploring the marvels of the island and its exceptional panoramic views. Our lagoon pool and our whirlpools complete this wonderful landscape, perfect for relaxing and unwinding.
Site undergoing 4 star classification (NN)
Residential leisure park, 100% eco-tourism
Solenzara marina less than 1 km away
Swim in the river bordering the site, direct access
Right near the magnificient sandy beach of "Scafa Rossa"
CAMPSITE NEWS New: mobile homes Premium , brand new (2019) and high-end services inside & outside Some services and activities offered at this campsite may be subject to an additional charge and/or only available at certain times of the year. To find out more, please see the relevant section.
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Sole Di Sari lies in the delightful setting of the "Coast of Pearls" (the Côte des Nacres). This new generation, 100% eco-tourism holiday park provides the perfect base for exploring the marvels of the island and its exceptional panoramic views. Our lagoon pool and our whirlpools complete this wonderful landscape, perfect for relaxing and unwinding.
Site undergoing 4 star classification (NN)
Residential leisure park, 100% eco-tourism
Solenzara marina less than 1 km away
Swim in the river bordering the site, direct access
Right near the magnificient sandy beach of "Scafa Rossa"
CAMPSITE NEWS New: mobile homes Premium , brand new (2019) and high-end services inside & outside Some services and activities offered at this campsite may be subject to an additional charge and/or only available at certain times of the year. To find out more, please see the relevant section.
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