Camping Village La Gardiola in San Felice del Benaco is located opposite the island of the same name in Lake Garda. As well as the lake, it overlooks Rocca di Manerba and the surrounding mountains. The area around the campsite is ideal for a large number of sports and recreational activities thanks to the proximity of the lake, the mountains and the countryside in the Valtenesi and Valpollicella areas.
Camping Village La Gardiola is a little haven where you can spend a relaxing holiday sunbathing on the public beach near the Camping Village. Food lovers can savour the traditional tastes of Lake Garda thanks to the many oil mills and wine producers situated near the Camping Village.
For those that want fun-packed holidays, Camping Village La Gardiola is in an excellent position for visiting amusement parks such as Gardaland, Gardaland Sea Life, Movieland Park, Caneva World, Parco Natura Viva and Parco Giardino Sigurtà.
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En uge fra: € 963,00
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€ 963,00
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Informationer om campingpladsen
- Antal Standpladser : 5
- Antal Lejeboliger : 19
- Kreditkort
- Kontanter
- Baia Holiday
- Tæt på:
- Badesø
- Afstand i km : 0
- I nærheden af:
- sø
På kysten
- TV-stue
- Wi-fi
- pristillæg
- Delvis dækning
- Udlejning af cykler
- Købmand : (Afstand : 0.5Km )
- Udendørs legeplads
- Rutchebane : 1
- Pool : 1
- Pool N°1
- Udendørs
- Svagt opvarmet swimmingpool
- Jacuzzi
- Mål
- Rektangulær
- Åbningsperiode
- Samme som camping
- Forlystelsespark
- Bar
- Restaurant : (Afstand : 0.5Km )
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- Gymnastiksal
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Turisme / Organisation
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- Temaaftener
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- Fiskeri
- Bordtennis
- Cykeludlejning
- Mountain bike
- Vandring
- Golf : (Afstand : 10Km - Kun i højsæson.)
- Fitness
- Boblebad
Om denne campingplads
Baia Holiday Piccola Gardiola
Camping Village La Gardiola in San Felice del Benaco is located opposite the island of the same name in Lake Garda. As well as the lake, it overlooks Rocca di Manerba and the surrounding mountains. The area around the campsite is ideal for a large number of sports and recreational activities thanks to the proximity of the lake, the mountains and the countryside in the Valtenesi and Valpollicella areas.
Camping Village La Gardiola is a little haven where you can spend a relaxing holiday sunbathing on the public beach near the Camping Village. Food lovers can savour the traditional tastes of Lake Garda thanks to the many oil mills and wine producers situated near the Camping Village.
For those that want fun-packed holidays, Camping Village La Gardiola is in an excellent position for visiting amusement parks such as Gardaland, Gardaland Sea Life, Movieland Park, Caneva World, Parco Natura Viva and Parco Giardino Sigurtà.
S. Felice Del Benaco, Brescia, ItalienKontakt campingpladsen
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