Alannia Costa Blanca is one of the resorts of the Alannia Resort chain. Located in the province of Alicante, the resort is synonymous with holidays in style. It is one of the largest campsite resorts in the province, capable of offering the highest standards of quality, service and facilities, recognised by the main European certifications.
In addition to entertainment activities for adults and children of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers. The establishment has one of the most spectacular water parks in the province, an enviable temperature 365 days a year and all the facilities and services you can imagine: from spa to children's playground, restaurant areas, Mini Club, sports courts?
The establishment has a camping area with more than 1300 plots for caravans, caravans and equipped tents. It is one of the largest campsite-resorts in the province, able to offer a standard of quality, service and facilities of the highest level, recognised by the main European certifications.
If you are not a camper, don't worry, we have a resort area with more than 200 fully equipped bungalows. They have all the comforts of air conditioning, television, kitchen, kitchenware and full bathroom.
Inside the establishment you can enjoy a multitude of services and facilities. The most impressive are its two outdoor swimming pools: the tropical pool, full of slides for the little ones; and the Tahiti pool, a unique paradise surrounded by palm trees and Balinese beds.
Entertainment is one of the most important elements of the Alannia experience. A complete entertainment programme created by our entertainment team, divided by age to make all members of the family enjoy themselves.
At Alannia Costa Blanca we also have a great gastronomic offer, two restaurants where you can enjoy a wide range of Mediterranean and international cuisine.
Mere information
Tjenester og faciliteter
En uge fra: € 180,95€ 543,15
Vælg venligst ankomst- og afrejsedatoer for at søge tilgængelighed.
3 udlejning
Bungalow Habana
5 personer
32 kvm stor
2 separate soveværelser
... +1
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En uge fra:
€ 543,15
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Bungalow Cocoa
5 personer
33 kvm stor
2 separate soveværelser
... +1
Mere information
En uge fra:
€ 672,00
Se mere
Bungalow Cocoa Plus
5 personer
33 kvm stor
2 separate soveværelser
... +1
Mere information
En uge fra:
€ 672,00
Se mere
1 standplads
Standplads Confort (90 - 95 M²)
2 personer
90 kvm min
Dyr accepteres *
Mere information
En uge fra:
€ 180,95
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Alle ydelser
- Åbent hele året
- Nattevagt
- Plads til autocamper
- Parkering til autocampere
- Picnicområde
- Faciliteter for handicappede
- Husdyr tilladt
- Højsæsonen
- Lavsæson
- Standpladser
- Åbningstider i reception (højsæson) : Fra 08.00 til 23.00
- Åbningstider i reception (lavsæson) : Fra 08.00 til 23.00
- Check-in tidspunkt ved udlejningsenheder : Fra 17.00 til 23.00
- Check-in tidspunkt ved standpladser : Fra 13.00 til 23.00
- Sen ankomst
- Telefon ved sen ankomst : 0034 96 691 97 11
- Reception ved sen ankomst : CASETA DE CONTROL: Ubicada en la entrada del camping junto a barreras de acceso
- Depositum
- Gebyr for udlejning : 25 %
- Reception med booking
- I receptionen
Informationer om campingpladsen
- Antal Standpladser : 1069
- Antal Lejeboliger : 241
- Kreditkort
- Eurocard - Mastercard
- Visa
- Acsi Cards
- Kontanter
- International bankoverførsel
- National bankoverførsel
- Printet i : 2016
- Printet i : 2016
- Printet i : 2016
- Printet i : 2016
- Printet i : 2016
- Camping and Caravaning Club
- Printet i : 2016
- Eurotop
- Printet i : 2016
På landet
- Ved landsby
- Afstand i km : 1.2
Ved havet
- Havet
- Afstand i km : 15
- Strand
- Afstand i km : 15
- Havn
- Afstand i km : 15
- Lystbådehavn
- Afstand i km : 15
- Fælles vaskemaskine
- Vaskerum med varmt vand
- Tørretumbler
- Vuggestue
- Strygebræt
- Vaskeri
- Filmsal
- Møderum
- Møderum
- TV-stue
- Internetadgang
- Wi-fi
- Gratis
- Wi-fi område
- pristillæg
- Delvis dækning
- Leje af sportsudstyr
- Dagligvarebutik
- Dagligvarebutik
- Dagligvarebutik
- Købmand
- Tidsskrifter og aviser
- Frisør
- Udendørs legeplads
- Gynger : 4
- Rutchebane : 2
- Brætspil
- Læringsspil
- Pool med legeområde
- Indendørs legerum
- Brætspil
- Læringsspil
- Pool : 5
- Pool N°1
- Standard pool
- Vandland
- Udendørs
- Rutschebane
- Kørestolsvenlig
- Mål
- Størrelse : 1160
- Dybde : 0
- Max dybde : 1.40
- Oval
- Opsyn
- Svømmelærer
- i højsæson
- Åbningsperiode
- højsæsonen
- Åbnings-/lukketider : Fra 11.00 til 20.00
- Åbningsdato : 1. april
- Sidste frist : 30. september
- Pool N°2
- Standard pool
- Vandland
- Børn og babyer
- Udendørs
- Rutschebane
- Børnelege
- Soppebassin
- Børnepool
- Mål
- Størrelse : 420
- Dybde : 0.30
- Max dybde : 0.50
- Oval
- Åbningsperiode
- højsæsonen
- Åbnings-/lukketider : Fra 11.00 til 20.00
- Åbningsdato : 1. april
- Sidste frist : 30. september
- Pool N°3
- Kurbad
- Jacuzzi
- Barefodssti
- Mål
- Rektangulær
- Opsyn
- Ved ankomst
- Åbningsperiode
- Samme som camping
- Åbnings-/lukketider : Fra 10.00 til 22.00
- Pool N°4
- Overdækket
- Indendørs pool
- Opvarmet swimmingpool
- Kørestolsvenlig
- Mål
- Størrelse : 200
- Dybde : 1.40
- Rektangulær
- Længde : 10
- Bredde : 20
- Opsyn
- Svømmelærer
- Ved ankomst
- Åbningsperiode
- Samme som camping
- Åbnings-/lukketider : Fra 09.00 til 22.00
- Pool N°5
- Børn og babyer
- Overdækket
- Indendørs pool
- Opvarmet swimmingpool
- Soppebassin
- Børnepool
- Mål
- Størrelse : 50
- Max dybde : 1.10
- Rektangulær
- Opsyn
- Svømmelærer
- Ved ankomst
- Åbningsperiode
- Samme som camping
- Åbnings-/lukketider : Fra 09.00 til 22.00
- Aktivitetsrum
- Koncert- og teatersal
- Festsal
- Billardrum
- Spillestue
- Bibliotek
- Temabar
- Billard
- Fitnesscenter
- Fitness
- Bar
- Restaurant
- Snack
- Bar
- Fælles grill
- Pizzeria
- Sportshal
- Gymnastiksal
- Gymnastiksal
- Multibane
- Center for fritidsaktiviteter
- Tennis
- Minigolf
- Volleyball
- Fælles sanitetsbygninger : 6
- Børneklub
- gratis
- Åbningsperiode
- Pladsens åbningstider
- højsæsonen
- Åbner den : 1. januar
- Lukker den : 31. december
- Ungdomsklub
Turisme / Organisation
- Turistinformation
- Turistbrochurer
- Turreservation
- Pengeautomat
- Postkasse
- Gasdepot
- Ladestation til elektriske køretøjer på stedet : 1
- Take-away
- Færdiglavede måltider
- Catering
- Smagsprøver
- Halv-pension
- Underholdning for voksne
- Underholdning til børn
- Temaaftener
- Shows
- Koncerter
- Sportsaktiviteter
- Sportsturneringer
- Vandgymnastik
- Fælles tennisbane
- Cykeludlejning
- Bueskydning
- Petanque
- Vandring
- Indendørs fodbold
- Termisk spa
- Fitness
- Fitnesstur
- Sauna
- Solarium
- Spa
- Tyrkisk bad
- Massage
- Zoneterapi
Kunde anmeldelser
Svend Erik F
Posted 08/02/2024
Ophold : 24/01/2024 - 04/02/2024
Senior par
God campingplads, dårligt internet
Vi boede på pladsen i 11 dage, et dejligt ophold
Vi købte wifi for 11 dage men forbindelsen var alt for ustabil og langsom, en 5stjernet plads burde have bedre internet
Viviane D
Posted 09/03/2025
Ophold : 01/03/2025 - 08/03/2025
En jeune couple
Un super camping
Sanitaires chaud propres
Franz-Josef H
Posted 21/02/2025
Ophold : 11/02/2025 - 18/02/2025
Urlaubsreise durch Spanien
Der Service und die Platzanordnung
Das Restaurant könnte verbessert werden
Om denne campingplads
Alannia Costa Blanca
Alannia Costa Blanca is one of the resorts of the Alannia Resort chain. Located in the province of Alicante, the resort is synonymous with holidays in style. It is one of the largest campsite resorts in the province, capable of offering the highest standards of quality, service and facilities, recognised by the main European certifications.
In addition to entertainment activities for adults and children of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers. The establishment has one of the most spectacular water parks in the province, an enviable temperature 365 days a year and all the facilities and services you can imagine: from spa to children's playground, restaurant areas, Mini Club, sports courts?
The establishment has a camping area with more than 1300 plots for caravans, caravans and equipped tents. It is one of the largest campsite-resorts in the province, able to offer a standard of quality, service and facilities of the highest level, recognised by the main European certifications.
If you are not a camper, don't worry, we have a resort area with more than 200 fully equipped bungalows. They have all the comforts of air conditioning, television, kitchen, kitchenware and full bathroom.
Inside the establishment you can enjoy a multitude of services and facilities. The most impressive are its two outdoor swimming pools: the tropical pool, full of slides for the little ones; and the Tahiti pool, a unique paradise surrounded by palm trees and Balinese beds.
Entertainment is one of the most important elements of the Alannia experience. A complete entertainment programme created by our entertainment team, divided by age to make all members of the family enjoy themselves.
At Alannia Costa Blanca we also have a great gastronomic offer, two restaurants where you can enjoy a wide range of Mediterranean and international cuisine.
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